Everything you need to know about new ways of working

Whether you're a startup, SME or large company, many are starting to incorporate a number of new ways of working that are constantly developing. Among these environments are coworking and open-space facilities, which are becoming increasingly trendy among the latter. Here are a few examples of the new ways of working, from coworking to open-spaces and the permanent provision of food and drink for employees and collaborators.

Coworking, a place for collaboration​​

These days, many companies choose to offer open spaces to their employees. This is because, among other things, it encourages team members to collaborate with each other by using workstations adapted to different tasks to create an internal coworking space. By including communal cafés, relaxation rooms and social spaces, you can also encourage interaction.

These environments foster the community, collaboration and interpersonal relationships that people are looking for. The days of closed and isolated offices seem to be over and most employees, especially since the pandemic, prefer to have daily contact and interaction with their colleagues. That's why it's essential to adapt to these new changes and offer appropriate, modern solutions.

Offer a dedicated and unique space to breathe

We all know how essential coffee breaks are for any employee. It allows for more in-depth exchanges with colleagues and it is, moreover, during these moments that creativity and the best ideas and strategies develop according to some studies. It is therefore essential to offer a separate space dedicated to break times in order to create a pleasant working environment that combines relaxation and social interaction.  

Similarly, did you know that the type of snacks consumed has a major impact on the level of efficiency, fatigue, concentration and mood of your employees? Because many people tend to eat very sugary, industrial products throughout the day, many companies are now offering a range of healthy snacks in the relaxation area for their employees to eat all day long. Loose dried fruit, fruit, natural cereal and chocolate bars, drinks with no added sugar or colouring - there are so many options available! 

With Fika, you can access a whole range of delicious snacks and drinks in just a few clicks, so you can offer your staff healthy products to eat from morning to night! A new way of creating a good atmosphere during these breaks, making people want to come and work face-to-face, but also encouraging them to be more efficient.

We select local products, with natural raw materials, relatively low in sugar but above all delicious! To find out more about our products and available options, visit our site now. Fika is also a way of adapting to new working conditions!

What healthy snacks should you have throughout the day at work?
tiredness concentration Manage stress Prepare your own meals